Wednesday, August 5, 2009


“In the world there is nothing more submissive and weak than water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong nothing can surpass it. “ - Lao Tzu
The ninth and last State of the Nation Address of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo stated specifically what her administration had achieved from 2001 like her successful economic plans, improvement of agriculture, better infrastructure, reforms as protection from the economic recession, land-giving projects, housing projects, investments in food like the successful distribution of NFA rice, the struggle for cheap medicine, health insurance, rent control, solution for the electricity-related problems, improvement of education, opportunities and better plans for the overseas Filipino workers, investment opportunities for the Philippines through foreign investments, terrorism elimination, better measures for the climate change, typhoon-preparedness measures, flood control infrastructure and the continued peace negotiations in Mindanao. Much has been said. And oh, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo also defended her position as the head of our state and she directly attacked her critics.
President Arroyo’s speech centered more on the good economic measures that she did and more on our economic state. The forum that I have attended on the 25th of July entitled “State of Presidency, 9 Years of Arroyo Presidency: Is There Change in 2010?,”stated the economic facts since Arroyo’s term.[1] Mr Jose Enrique Africa discussed the economic figures during President Arroyo’s term. [2]Mr. Africa said that there was a 4.9% Gross Domestic Product growth. This figure enforced what President Arroyo claimed in her SONA that the average GDP from to 2001 until now is the highest in forty three years.[3] I am delighted that President Arroyo somehow made sound economic measures to combat economic recession.[4] But then again, the GDP measure is just a mere figure which may not really picture the true condition of our country. GDP measure is not applicable to the poor people. While the GDP growth is high, the unemployment rate is also high at 11.2% from 2001 until now according to Mr. Africa. High unemployment rate is certainly bad in our economy. President Arroyo talked about how she created jobs through BPO and tourism but still, she cannot deny the fact that unemployment is high. Mr. Africa also stated that 990,000 Filipinos are forced to go to other countries annually to work. President Arroyo should really work hard before her term ends so that she can really accomplish what she said in her SONA that she would create better jobs with good salaries so that overseas work will just be a career choice and not the only option for Filipinos. [5]
The SONA of President Arroyo was a bit specific in terms of accomplishment. It showed how she responded in the danger of economic recession and it even showed how she responded to her critics. I think I have heard the word “critics” six times during her speech. President Arroyo’s SONA is fearless. It has statements that are not pleasing in the ears of her critics. The statements of President Arroyo with regards to her critics were “Good news for our people, bad news for our critics” – stating that we have a strong economy, “Had we listened to the critics of those policies, had we not braced ourselves for the crisis that came, had we taken the easy road much preferred by politicians eyeing elections, this country would be flat on its back” – talking further on her economic plans, “I supported it over the weak versions of my critics” – talking about the Cheaper Medicine Law, “The nosiest constitutional reform shamelessly attempted Cha-Cha when they thought they could take advantage of a shift in the form of government. Now that they feel they cannot benefit from it, they oppose it” – discussing about the attempts to have Cha-Cha, “Even my critics can not begrudge the long hours I put in” – about working hard and “And I have never done any of the things that scared my worst critics so much. They are frightened by their own shadows” – of the accusations that she would declare martial law. [6]
President Arroyo’s last SONA was the toughest of all her SONAs. In her SONA, she showed a strong might. It was not only a report of our state’s condition but it was also some kind of wake-up call for her critics. It’s as if she is saying that she is always right and her critics, always wrong. She even indirectly mentioned how the presidency before her made our country downgrade. She emphasized that she has renewed our country but in fact, her term is connected with so many scandals and worst, the Philippines, in 2008, was the most corrupt country in Asia. [7]The economy may have gone well during her term but ethical leadership and good governance were not applied totally. For in the end, what will matter is how a President uplifted a country morally. [8]

[1] The forum was held at Asian Institute of Management and was sponsored by Center for People Empowerment in Governance. Other speakers in the forum aside from Mr. Jose Enrique Africa were Professor Roland Simbulan, Atty. Victoria Avena, Dr. Temario Rivera and Professor Bobby Tuazon.
[2] Mr Jose Enrique Africa is the head of the Ibon research department and an editor of international on-line news sites.
[3] GMA certainly has something to be proud of – our GDP growth.
[4] One form of combating recession, as I have learned in our Microeconomics, is through deficit spending. This means more infrastructure projects thus, creating more jobs. GMA used this strategy.
[5] GMA should really turn her “words” into TRUE actions.
[6] “OUCH” – for her critics
[7] The worst image of our country in the international scene.
[8] My personal assessment…..

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